
How To Register For Class In Dismissed

Registering for classes in MyRED is an easy procedure once yous understand the steps. Before starting the registration process log into MyRED using your NUID and password that yous set up through the TrueYou organisation.

Registration Basics

Registration Tips

Registration Basics

Not what you lot are looking for? Click here to see instructions for Classic Enrollment.

Click on each topic below to expand the tutorial.

Launch the Scheduler

bookmark icon Navigate to the enrollment tab

In the master navigation bar, click on Enrollment.

Select Enrollment in navigation bar

select icon Launch the Scheduler

To access the Scheduler and enroll in classes, click the Build Schedule & Enroll button. It does not matter which term tab is selected prior to clicking the Build Schedule & Enroll push. You volition go to choose your term one time the Enrollment Scheduler has launched.

Select your term

Once the Enrollment Scheduler is launched, choose the semester for which you wish to create a schedule. Click Save and Continue.

Select your term

Next, select the campus locations from which you wish to take classes. Click Save and Continue.

Select Campus Locations

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Plan Schedule

add iconPlan SCHEDULE

You can begin planning your schedule on the Plan Schedule Tab. If it is greyness, every bit shown below, yous are already on that tab.

Plan Schedule Tab

Here are some filters that tin can exist edited during the planning process.

*Notation: These filters tin can be adjusted at whatsoever fourth dimension throughout the course pick process.

enrollment Scheduler filters

Here is a quick video on how to use filters.

The Online Distance instruction methods are asynchronous, meaning they practice non have a set fourth dimension to come across for course. The Web Conferencing educational activity method is synchronous, pregnant you lot will need to encounter at a certain time with your instructor and class using a platform like Zoom. More info can exist institute at How to Cull Courses.

Select your term

Once your filters are set, you tin can brainstorm Calculation Courses and Adding Breaks.

add courses or breaks

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Adding Courses - Overview

shopping cart iconAdding COURSES- Overview

To add courses, click the Add Course button.

Add Course

You lot will exist provided with multiple options to use when searching for courses.

  • Past Bailiwick- Allows you to search past the Subject and Form
  • Search by Section Attribute- Allows you lot to search for specific courses that fulfill ACE requirements or have specific attributes
  • My Planner- Pulls in the courses planned in your Caste Planner

*NOTE: If you are searching for a subconscious class, or demand to search for a grade using the Class Number, add information technology to your shopping cart prior to launching the Enrollment Scheduler using the Quick Search bar.

search options

When selecting courses using the Past Discipline or Search Past Section Attribute search options, you can read the description of the course.

Description of Course

When using the Search By Section Attributes option, yous can search for ACE courses, In Person / Remote Separate Instruction, Related Section – In Person & Web Conferencing, Related Department - Online & In Person, and Related Sections – Online & Web Conferencing.

Add course

If you'd like to utilise this form when generating potential schedules, select it by clicking the Add Course button. Courses will be added to your Courses column on the correct-hand side.

To remove a grade, click the "X" on the right.

add courses button and courses column

Once all courses are added to the Courses column, click the Done push to go back to the Plan Schedule page.

done button

All of your selected courses will display under the Courses department. If you wish to remove one of these courses use the corresponding reddish "10" to delete that course from your list.

Red X's

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Adding Courses - Selecting Sections

add iconCalculation COURSES- Selecting Sections

To choose specific sections, click Sections.


This will display all visible section offerings of the course, and the specific course data including department number, instructor, campus, and grade coming together patterns.

Related sections will be shown underneath the corresponding lecture. Note that they have may have different Campuses and Day(south) & Location(s). For more data most form delivery, see the How to Choose Courses page.

Here is an example of a course with both In Person and Online Distance delivery methods.

all sections shown

Here is an example of a class with a Web Conferencing delivery method.

web conferencing

Here is an example of a form with related sections that are both In Person and Online Distance delivery methods.

all sections shown

Boosted information, including credit hours, number of seats available, session information, and grade notes can be institute by clicking the blue data icon.

Blue information icon

By default, all sections volition be checked to be included in the generated schedules. To choose certian sections, bank check or uncheck the boxes on the lefthand side.


The Avant-garde Filters choice offers another style to filter by Instructor and for Department Attributes.

advanced filter

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Adding Breaks


Here's a video showing how to add breaks. Written instructions with screenshots are below.

To add breaks to cake out times for life activities, click the Add together Break button.

add break button

One time your break is entered, click the Save Interruption button.

save break button

To add together additional breaks, continue to utilise the Add Intermission button.

Breaks tin can exist edited by selecting Edit and Removed using the red "10".

breaks list

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Generating Schedules

list iconGenerating Schedules

You tin can generate possible schedules using the Generate Schedules button.

generate schedules button

*Delight note: Schedules volition be generated using all checked courses, sections, and breaks. You lot can check and uncheck courses, sections and breaks freely, but you must click Generate Schedules after each change is made to regenerate and display accurate results.


To farther customize your schedules, click Advanced Options.

Advanced Options

You tin add together Class Padding time between classes. This feature allows yous to ensure a minimum amount of time betwixt all classes in your schedule.

class padding

Once possible schedules are generated, you can view and cull your most desired schedule.

list of schedules

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Viewing Schedules

search iconViewing Schedules

There are multiple means to view schedules once they take been generated.

Yous tin view a simplified calendar of the schedule by hovering over the magnifying glass side by side to each individual schedule.

magnifying glass

To view the schedule in more than detail, select View.


The expanded schedule displays more details in a larger visual format. You may also print and e-mail possible schedules.

Below is a schedule including In Person and Online Distancedelivery classes.

print and email buttons

Here is an example of what a class using Web Conferencing delivery looks like in a schedule. Notice that it also has a 24-hour interval and time, but no classroom, as it will use an online platform, like Zoom, to meet at the decided time and 24-hour interval(s).

web conferencing calendar

Y'all tin can view different generated schedules by using the navigation arrows.

navigation arrows

Schedules tin exist favorited and named past clicking the "heart" button.

heart button

It is likewise possible to lock down class sections. This can exist washed by clicking on the "LOCK" for the corresponding class section. As you lot lock courses, the number of possible schedules can change.

*Note: Online classes volition not show in the visual graphic because they do non take an in-person meeting fourth dimension/location.

lock icon

You can compare schedules side by side on the Program Schedule page by checking at least 2 schedules to view, and clicking Compare.

check schedules to compare

This volition requite a visual, adjacent comparing of the schedules.

side by side comparison

Dorsum to acme

Add to Shopping Cart

shopping cart iconAdd to Shopping Cart

Once you have chosen your preferred schedule, click Send to Shopping Cart. You tin can only send 1 schedule to your shopping cart.

*Annotation: Calculation a course to your shopping cart does not reserve your spot in that class and does not hateful you are registered. You can leave classes in your shopping cart as long equally you want, but you are not actually registered in them until you complete the registration process.

send to shopping cart

As you add together the class sections to the shopping cart, you will be prompted to set your grade preferences (grading basis and/or number of credit hours if applicable). These preferences tin be changed later if needed. Click Next to advance to the next class.

next button

Once preferences have been gear up for all classes, click Finish.

finish button

Once the classes are in the shopping cart, you lot have the option to Edit Your Cart and/or Register.

shopping cart

To edit your shopping cart before enrollment, click Edit Cart.

edit cart

Editing your shopping cart allows y'all some other opportunity to change grading footing, variable credit hours, enter permission codes if applicable, and remove courses from the cart.

When changes are fabricated, click Save. If no changes are needed, click Cancel to return.

save button

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Enroll in Classes

move up iconEnroll in Classes

To register for classes, navigate to the Shopping Cart page and click Register.

register button

You will be prompted to confirm that y'all want to register.

Cancel volition render you to the shopping cart.

Go on will procedure your enrollment.

confirmation popup

Once the processes have completed registration results are displayed. Carefully review any fault letters you receive and accept activity to resolve the errors.

error messages

*Please annotation: Successfully enrolled classes will be added to the Current Schedule page. Unregistered classes will remain in the shopping cart. Either remove them or successfully complete the enrollment procedure.

current schedule page

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How to Drop Classes

computer iconHow to Drop Classes

You can drop classes in both Enrollment Scheduler and MyRED. This video will show you how. Written instructions with pictures are available below the video.

Click the Drib push on the Enrollment tab.

Drop Button

Click on the driblet downwardly arrow next to the grade, and then click on Drop Class.

Drop Class

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Registration Tips

Find only open classes

lock open iconFind merely open classes

This video volition show y'all how. Written instructions with pictures are provided beneath the video.

Click Change to the right on the Course Status filter.

Click Change

Choose the Open up Classes Only filter and click Save.

Select Only Open Classes

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Search By Section Aspect (ACE Courses)

select iconSearch By Section Attribute (ACE Courses)

There are several ways to narrow your class search, such every bit by Section Attributes. For example, yous can specify that y'all only desire to see courses that satisfy an ACE outcome. This video will show you how. Written instructions with pictures are provided below the video.

Beneath is an instance of how you tin search past multiple attributes.

Click the Search past Section Attribute tab to search by ACE requirement.

*Note: Courses offered for the semester will display if they satisfy the ACE requirement.

Search By Section Attribute

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Looking for Online/Distance Classes

highlight iconLooking for Online/Altitude Classes

This video will show you how. Written instructions with pictures are provided below the video.

Click Alter on the Instruction Modes filter.

Click Change

And so choose Online Distance Course and/or Online Class On-Campus Testing, click Salvage.

Online Distance Class and Online Class On-Campus Testing selected

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How to search by Form Number

clock iconHow to search by Class Number

This video will show you how. Written instructions with pictures are located below the video.

Add it via the Classic Enrollment method in MyRed. Blazon the course number into the Search by Class Nbr box and click on the course equally it appears.

Search Class Number

You lot can make changes to the Class Options provided.

Class Options

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How to edit Enrollment (Variable Credit & Pass/No Pass)

compass pointing east iconHow to edit Enrollment (Variable Credit & Pass/No Laissez passer)

On the Current Schedule page, the Edit button allows you to modify grading ground, variable credit hours and enter permission codes if applicative without dropping it.

*Note: All enrolled classes will display fifty-fifty if edits cannot be fabricated. Drops should be processed using "Archetype Enrollment" Come across How Do I Driblet a Course.

Edit or Drop Classes

Here'south a video on how to edit courses.

How to change a course with Variable Credit

Employ the Credits drib downwards box.

  • On the Shopping Cart page, click on the Edit Cart push button.
  • On the My Current Schedule page, click on the Edit or Drop Classes button.

*Annotation: The box is merely displayed if the grade is offered as variable credit.


How to change a class betwixt Grade and Pass/No Pass

Use the Grading Footing drop downwards box.

  • On the Shopping Cart page, click on the Edit Cart button.
  • On the My Current Schedule folio, click on the Edit or Drop Classes push button.

*Notation: The box is only displayed if the class is offered with the grading footing of educatee option.

Grading Basis

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How to Email your Schedule

arrow iconHow to Email your Schedule

This video will show yous how. Written instructions with pictures are available below the video.

On the expanded schedule view, click on the Electronic mail button to send your schedule to upwards to two people per email.

*Note: You tin can only e-mail a potential schedule before adding to the shopping cart.


Enter only one recipient per field.

To and CC fields

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How to Create a Favorite for your Planned Schedule

list iconHow to Create a Favorite for your Planned Schedule

This video volition bear witness yous how. Written instructions with pictures are provided below the video.

Schedules tin can be favorited and named using the "Center" button.

Name your schedule

On the Program Schedule page, click on Favorites under Schedule to view the Favorite Schedules that yous saved previously.


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How to View or Guild Textbooks

book iconHow to View or Gild Textbooks

Click the Textbook Online Ordering button on the Enrollment tab in MyRed.

Textbook Online Ordering

Clicking on the function will bring you lot to the Book Store folio.

Book Store Page

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How to view Class Notes

document iconHow to view Class Notes

This video volition show you how. Written instructions with pictures are provided beneath the video.

Click View to brandish one of your generated schedules.


Click the blue information icon in lodge to see the drop-downward with all of the required course information.

Blue Information Icon

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How to view Class Fees

money iconHow to view Grade Fees

This video will show you how. Written instructions with pictures are provided beneath the video.

Click the blue information icon in order to meet the drop-downward with the required class information. This blue information icon can be found on:

  • Plan Schedule folio
  • Shopping Cart page
  • My Current Schedule page (icon changes to red)

Blue Information Icon and Special Fee

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How to pull Classes from Degree Planner

move up iconHow to pull Classes from Degree Planner

This video volition show you how. Written instructions with pictures are provided below the video.

Click Add Course on the Plan Schedule page.

Add Course

Click My Planner, and and then choose the intended term. The classes that you have picked from your My Caste Planner volition evidence upwards here.

My Planner

Check the box of the courses you would like to enroll into, and click the Add Course push button. The checked courses will evidence up on the right-hand side. Click the Done button.


The checked courses volition now appear on the Plan Schedule page.


You can generate possible schedules using the Generate Schedules button. In one case possible schedules are generated, you lot can view and cull your about desired schedule.

Generate Schedules

Once yous have chosen your preferred schedule, click Send to Shopping Cart.

Send to Shopping Cart

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How to Enter Permission Codes

move up iconHow to Enter Permission Codes

This video will show you how. Written instructions with pictures are provided below the video.

Click the Send to Shopping Cart push button.

Send to Shopping Cart

Enter the permission code given past your counselor or your professor into the Permission Number box provided. Click Side by side.


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How to add yourself to the Wait List

move up iconHow to add yourself to the Await List

This video will show you how. Written instructions with pictures are provided below the video.

Click the Change push for Course Status.

Change button

Select the box next to theOpen & Total westward/Waitlist Open up option. Click Salvage.

Open and Full with Waitlist Open option

Select the class of your choice. Click the Generate Schedules button. Next, click View.

generate schedules

Click Send to Shopping Cart.

send to shopping cart

Cheque the Wait Listing box if you would similar to exist on this course wait list.

wait list

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How to swap

move up iconHow to swap

To swap a class, you must be already enrolled in a course. Here is a video that can bear witness you how. Written instructions with pictures are provided below the video.

Click Current Schedule.

Current Schedule

Click Swap.


Click on the Select A Grade box.

Select A Class

From the driblet-downwardly options, select the class y'all want to Drop.


Select the form yous want to enroll in. This can exist done in three different ways. You can search By Form # (Each grade has a unique iv-5 digit class number).

Class #

The second pick is to select a class that is already in your Shopping Cart.

Shopping Cart

The 3rd choice is to search for a grade past Discipline and Class. This choice will bring up all available sections of the class. (Bank check your filters if you cannot detect a desired class.)

Subject and Course

Select the course you want by clicking the circle to the left of the class. Select Swap.


Choose your Grading Basis and enter a Permission Number if applicable.

Grading Basis

Select Finish.


Select Bandy.


Select OK.


Y'all are now swapped into the class. Delight note, that swaps to do not piece of work for Hidden classes or Co-requisite classes.

Hidden or Co-requisite

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